Being With

finding the freedom to simply be ourselves…

Sometimes we just can’t do it alone. Sometimes we need someone to be with us as a witness, bringing a fresh perspective to old patterns and providing support with making changes….

accepting ourselves as we are & releasing our conditioning…

As we grow up we learn that certain forms of behaviour are acceptable and others are definitely not. We may learn that painfully, through encountering violence or abuse; or we may learn it quietly through withdrawal and turning away, through coldness and neglect. When we are conditioned in this way, much of our behaviour is not really us, but has become an entrenched and habitual way of responding to the world. We learnt to do this because it kept us safe by allowing us to be accepted in our family group. Now, however, we may find these behaviours restrictive and wish to experience the freedom to express ourselves and be authentic. The presence of an empathetic witness can support us to step into an unfamiliar space, where we can be more fully ourselves.

The paradox is that what is unfamiliar can sometimes feel quite challenging at first, even if we are moving towards freedom!

You and your body choose the pace that is right for you, allowing a natural unfolding in your own time. Your body knows instinctively what it is ready to release and how. I simply provide the conditions that support that process: a gentle presence and holding.

“I’m more at home with myself, there’s a strength that’s taking over and I’m enjoying myself more…You’ve allowed something that never got the chance to come out. You’re not intrusive, leading or guiding; just being there with me. There’s a feeling of security that allows me to release.” 

As a consequence of trauma, the fight-flight-freeze response can get stuck in the body leading to chronic tensions. I offer Being With  treatments to encourage deeper relaxation and a recalibration of the nervous system. These gentle treatments stimulate the natural intelligence and self-healing capacity of the body, as unnecessary tensions are released.

During Being With Treatments, I accompany you as you gradually release unnecessary tensions and drop deeper into your essence. The treatments are fully-clothed and involve a very minimal light touch (similar to cranio-sacral work). Sometimes I will not even touch, but just simply sit in your energy field. Paradoxically, this non-intrusive method allows deeper relaxation as there is literally nothing to resist.

“Julie’s ‘Being With’ treatment felt safe, soft, non-intrusive and powerful at the same time. I was so grateful for that space she was holding without trying to fix anything. Her presence enabled me to deeply feel where I was at, and deeply relax into my body and my experience of life at that moment. I would have loved the session to last all day!” Emma, Nantes, France

Being With treatments last 75 minutes, sometimes including a short rest to integrate the healing and followed by feedback on the treatment, where I may give further recommendations.

For further enquiries or to book a Being With treatment click here