Systemic healing is a form of 1:1 trauma work which can be done face to face or online. It incorporates a systemic perspective with the power to rewire the brain through healing touch.
When working face to face, as I gently stroke your hands, arms and face; hormones and neurotransmitters (serotonin, oxytocin and GABA) are released in the brain along with the delta waves that we experience in deep sleep. Together these help to down-regulate and re-wire your nervous system.
When working online, I model and mirror the touch and hold space to witness your healing journey as it unfolds. By tuning into the body we access our innate intelligence and capacity for self-healing. Your body intuitively knows what you are ready to release – what beliefs about yourself are limiting you, what wounds you are ready to heal and we go at your own pace.
I also bring a systemic perspective: the grief you feel may not be yours alone: it may belong to a parent or ancestor; the difficulty letting go of a belief or addiction may reveal an unconscious contract which connects you to a family member. The issues that arise can be explored and released giving you the freedom to live your life fully.
In the first session I will give you an overview of how this method works, we will look at what you want to focus on and how that can be best achieved. At the end of the session I can make simple suggestions for how you can incorporate a few minutes a day of this healing touch into your daily routine. It is a way of gently and gradually rewiring your brain.
I work with anxiety and depression, PTSD, Complex PTSD, and ADHD.
“Having made very slow progress over the years through talking therapy, and training within that domain (not to mention the cumulative cost of it all), I was surprised at the potency of just one session with Julie. I had a very intense experience, releasing deeply held strong emotions, handled calmly by Julie who held the space as I rode it out and brought me back to a relaxed state. I felt immediately lighter and hopeful about finding a new way forward, a stark contrast from the stuck and despairing place I have been in for such a long time. Thank you Julie.” Jen, France (online)
“Hey Julie, just wanted to thank you very much for the session you gave me. I’m actually speaking up in class now!” Chris, London
“Desperation and hopelessness drove me to seek Julie’s help in my life long battle with food addiction. After my first session I felt a hopeful shift but I didn’t dare trust it. I’d done years of talk therapy and understood my addiction but still could never change my behaviour. Over the next several session and the practices I did in between I have literally felt myself healing from the inside out. It’s a different healing. It’s not in my head, it’s an invisible healing in my body or in my psyche. Its hard to explain in words but I finally know I’m on the right path and with the right partner to guide me along. Thank you Julie!” Paula, Surrey (online)
“Working with Julie is an immense pleasure, and is extremely enlightening – I actively look forward to my sessions – and I have enjoyed some profound results in terms of my own self awareness/behaviour, how I interact with others, and how the ‘jigsaw pieces’ fit together around key relationships. I have no hesitation in recommending Julie: she is very intuitive and works with compassion and empathy.” Allie, Sussex
“After one session I felt so light and happy, as if I was in love, I couldn’t stop smiling. That’s why I booked two more and one of my biggest fears, speaking in front of people is no problem anymore.
I did EMDR before, many sessions but something didn’t feel quite right, that’s why a lot of scepticism but I had lovely sessions with Julie, with unbelievable results.” Lisa, London (online)
“I have worked with Julie over several of her healing modalities and find her an extremely warm, skilled and intuitive practitioner. Her Systemic Healing method is surprisingly simple and yet so powerful. I found my system calmed and nourished by the session, and best of all it’s given me an ongoing tool to use when I want to soothe and ground my system. I highly recommend working with Julie.” Piers, Sussex
“Thank you Julie for a very powerful Systemic Healing session where I could finally come back into my body and my whole self again. It was as if something finally let go. I loved your calm and sincere attendance to me and my needs, moment to moment.” Gunilla, Sweden (online)
“I worked with Julie in an online-session and it was really remarkable how she tuned into my emotional landscape. The tension in my body was created by a traumatic experience in my childhood (one I had identified already) but what I discovered with Julie’s guiding was that another memory had much more impact. She helped me to feel this down to my fibres. Julie is a very professional therapist.” Jack, Netherlands (online)
Initial session 75-90 minutes
Follow up sessions 60-75 minutes
Payment is by donation
For further enquiries or to book a Systemic Healing treatment click here
Julie Ulbricht is trained as a Family Constellations Facilitator with Barbara Morgan more info and combines this approach with other touch therapies and over a decade of experience.